Sankirtan Party in Jagannath Puri
This is an original painting on linen canvas executed in the tradition of the old masters with quality products that will last hundreds of years.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (or “Gauranga Mahaprabhu”) is an incarnation of Krishna who appeared in Nadia, West Bengal, India in the 15th century A.D.
Essentially, Lord Chaitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, appearing as His own devotee, teaching how to best practice Krishna consciousness by His own most authorized example.
“When the eastern horizon became tinged with the redness that heralds the rising sun, the jewel among the Brahmanas, Lord Chaitanya, immediately awakened. Taking all His devotees with Him, He journeyed through the towns and villages of Nadia. The midranges resounded ‘tathai, tatai’, in quick succession while the large jhajas cymbals chimed in time. Lord Gauranga’s golden form trembled again and again in ecstatic love of Godhead, and His footballs jingled.”